Why is it better to have a project manager with experience in medical device development
When you have a GI tract issue, do you go to a gastroenterologist or a general practitioner? If you want to handle a property dispute, would you go to a real estate attorney or a general practice attorney? Now, think about your medical device project. If you want a project manager for it, would you prefer a typical project manager or a project manager with experience in the medical device industry? The math is simple. If you want the best service, you need to go to people who specialize in…
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Cost-Effective Strategies for Developing Medical Devices
Many companies make this mistake when it comes to cost-effective strategies for developing medical devices. The mistake; thinking cost-effective strategies equal cost-cutting. Or at least include cost-cutting. This is not necessarily the case. Sometimes, cost-cutting is the last thing you should do when it comes to medical device development. This article discusses some cost-effective development strategies that may seem counterintuitive. However, we have spent 20 years trying and testing these strategies in the medical device industry with great success. We can assure you they work. Cost-Effective Strategies for Developing Medical…
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Five Tips to Making Project Management Easier for Medical Device Companies
Project management for medical devices can often feel like an episode of “Survivor,” where teams face tough challenges (product complexity, changing market and safety regulations), compete for resources, and face critical decisions at Tribal Council(project meetings). It’s an intense, high-stakes game that requires strong leadership, technical expertise, and adaptability. With these five tips, you can make medical device project management easier and make sure everyone is playing fair. Five Tips to Making Project Management Easier for Medical Device Companies – The Survivor Edition 1. Review and improve your new product…
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Hiring a medical device project consultant: What you need to know
According to a survey conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI), 97% of organizations believe that project management is critical to business performance and organizational success. The same survey found that 80% of high-performing organizations attribute their success to the use of standardized project management practices. Now that we have established the importance of hiring a project management consultant for your medical device company let’s move on to exactly how you can do that. Hiring a medical device project consultant: What you need to know, will go into detail about:…
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How to turn a failing project around
Medical device project teams are usually multidisciplinary. The team members often include a mix of project managers, engineers, regulatory experts, and clinical researchers, to name a few. These teams are also often cross-functional, with each team member having additional roles and responsibilities beyond a particular medical device project. As a result, the project is often influenced by: If not managed well, these may lead to project failure down the line. When that happens, your best bet is to leverage the expertise and collaborative skills of these diverse team members to…
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What AI Can(Should) And Can’t(Shouldn’t) Do For You: Medical Device Edition
Let’s talk about AI in medical devices. Med tech companies have been using AI long before the advent of OpenAI and ChatGPT. Different forms of AI have been responsible for healthcare innovations like: This is article number 3 in our AI and medical device series. Catch up on articles 1 and 2; here. However, with the advent of OpenAi and ChatGPT we are looking at a future beyond that. With Open AI’s image recognition, pre-trained deep learning model, and Natural Language processing, we are looking at a future where it’s…
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What are some signs that a project isn’t going well?
Imagine this scenario with me. You have planned your medical device project down to the tee. You have sufficient budget and resources to take it to completion. You have risk mitigation in place, and you think your project is going along swimmingly. And then suddenly…boom! Despite everything you have done to avoid project failure, your medical device doesn’t reach the market. Or if it does, there are significant time and budget issues. You wonder what you could have done differently. Don’t let that happen to you. Here are the top…
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A Step By Step Guide To Finding The Right Medical Device Project Manager For Your Business
Finding the right medical device project manager for your company means looking for someone who: Whether interim, full time or an external consultant, your project manager must know how to optimize your company’s resources to reach project goals on time and within budget. Here are the steps to ensure that happens. Finding The Right Medical Device Project Manager For Your Business Step 1: Start By Creating A Spreadsheet Of Viable Candidates Creating a spreadsheet will help you keep track of all the information you gather about potential medical device project…
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Why Can’t You Find A Qualified Medical Device Software Project Manager?
Waddell Group has seen increased demand for Software Project Managers for Medical Devices over the past several months. In our searches, these people are hard to find and extremely valuable when it comes to projects. Because they are scarce, there is a significant demand for their time, adversely impacting many medical device projects. Let’s understand why finding a good Medical Device Software Project Manager is difficult and potential solutions to combat it. The Importance Of A Medical Device Software Project Manager Information technology is advancing in leaps and bounds, and…
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How to select the right vendors for your medical device project
The success of your project and your bottom line depend on choosing the right vendors for your medical device project. From lead times to safety risks, your suppliers can impact the overall operations of your business. This makes it critical to choose the right fit vendor for your medical device project. Start by making a list of vendors for your medical device project. Short-list multiple vendors for the same component, product, system, or service if possible. Once short-listed, use the steps mentioned below to select the best fit for your…
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