From Critical to Cured: How to Communicate Critical Issues to Senior Management for Action
Any project manager worth their salt knows that bringing a medical device project to completion successfully requires quick decisions and timely actions. This includes ensuring that senior management sees and addresses critical issues on time. With their experience, expertise, and reach, they can resolve these issues efficiently. Thus mitigating risks, saving invaluable time, and securing smooth implementation for all. That’s why as tempting as it is to address these issues at the project level, it’s more important to communicate critical issues to senior management effectively. Getting senior management involved early…
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Our New Year Gift To You
Top 10 Resources Every Medical Device Project Manager Needs When it comes to medical device project management, we have a treasure trove of articles on our blog. This month, as a gift to you, we have decided to compile the top 10 into a list of resources to help you run your medical device project smoothly and successfully. Resource #1: Communicating Effectively As A Medical Device Project Manager. A highly successful project leader knows: for maximum impact. Understand why communication is the currency of leadership and how to use it…
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How to look for the right project manager for your medical device project?
A PMI survey suggests that organizations that fail to properly integrate project management into their strategies will see their outright project failure rate increase by a factor of 2/31. This includes the selection of the right project manager for your medical device project. Whether interim, full time or an external consultant, your project manager must know how to optimize your company’s resources to reach project goals on time and within budget. Let us help you look for a project manager with the right skills, temperament, and aptitude to lead your…
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How Project Managers Can Effectively Scope and Plan a New Project.
How do you complete a new project on time and within budget while maintaining company goals and objectives? Simple. Work on the project scope and plan a new project effectively before executing it. Easier said than done, you say. I hear you. In medical device project management, it’s common to have modifications during the project’s lifetime. We just need a way to stay ahead of these possible changes and challenges to execute the project effectively. That’s what we’ll discuss below. The article includes: The steps to scope and plan a…
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What does a Project manager for Medical Device Companies actually do?
If you’re not aware of what a project manager for medical device companies can do, it can be easy to be trapped into thinking you can manage without them – reducing your financial investment. But that would be a mistake. PMI defines project management as “ the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.” They also say that organizations that undervalue project management report an average of 50% more of their projects failing outright. A good project manager manages and optimizes the…
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8 Types of Medical Device Projects Waddell Group Consultants Work On.
Managing any medical device project can be a challenging undertaking. From setting up your first medical device manufacturing site to complying with quality and regulatory directives to finally bringing your product to the market, the project scope is relatively large – requiring multiple communication channels across multiple functional areas. So it makes sense when – despite the details on our services page – project managers and medical device companies ask us, “What kind of medical device projects do Waddell Group Consultants actually work on?” In a nutshell, Waddell Group provides…
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Evolution of Project Management Under COVID-19
COVID has changed the communication experience Tom Waddell interviewed Jonathan Flachman recently around what we have learned when it comes to Project Management under COVID-19. That interview created the genesis for this blog post and if you want to watch the video, please click here. To begin with, some things have not changed. Communication is still the best currency a project manager has at their disposal to help manage the people in their project. This looks very different in an environment within a COVID-19 experience than it did before. Project…
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